White Papers and Research

Dive into our white papers & research for valuable insights in recruitment. Stay informed, make informed hiring decisions, and lead with knowledge. 

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Collective Intelligence White Paper
Unlock the Power of Collective Intelligence

High-performing teams don’t just happen, they’re built. Discover how teamwork, cognitive diversity, and leadership can drive smarter decisions and better business outcomes.

Golden Standard Recruitment Processes
Golden Standard Recruitment Processes

73% of survey respondents felt that the hiring process seriously effects their desire to work for an organisation. 

Stay Interviews
Stay Interviews

Find out what you can do to keep your high performing employees around before they choose to look towards the door.

Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement

Unlock the power of employee engagement with this research paper from Chandler Macleod Consulting.

Leadership Success Factors
Leadership Success Factors

Research from our Chandler Macleod Consulting team on the qualities of a successful, contemporary leader.

The future of flexible work
The Future of Flexible Work

A survey of over 200 employees and employers tells us Flexibility at work could use some adjustments, but it is here to stay.

Staffing Challenges through COVID-19
Agile Recruitment during COVID-19

A whitepaper analysing the agile steps the staffing industry took during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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