It can be ultimately beneficial for you to research the company you are about to interview for. Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of their business which will help you answer questions better, but you will also show up more confident, prepared and ready to impress. Employers will value your effort and knowledge!
Here’s how to research your prospective employer, step-by-step.
Click on links including their website and any publications about them in the media. A lot of information can be found out from this simple search. Click through each page on their website, especially their ‘About’ page. This will often link to other useful information. Make sure to try and cover off the following details:
Glassdoor is predominately known for employees being able to review companies they have worked for. This is super helpful for you to get an idea of what it’s like inside the workplace. There are also some helpful links that can show you what interview questions might be asked, what average salaries are for specific roles and what their benefits are.
Search the company on all social media! See what the post about and what they like to share. This is another way to find out more about the personality of a company as well as latest news, what they’re up to, staff events, campaigns, initiatives and more. As mentioned earlier it can also be helpful to do a social search on individuals you know might be at the interview so that you can gain some insight and maybe relate to them about something they have shared.
Covering the above three steps in depth should help you gain a new perspective as a candidate and might just help you stand out in your interview if you use the information you learnt wisely.
Good luck with your next interview!
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