Planning for success is critical when you are in career transition.
As a career transition coach, I work with people facing the reality of looking for a new job, sometimes after very long tenure with the same organisation. Those who are most successful possess a positive mindset and are not afraid to use their network to find new opportunities. They are future focused; keen to upgrade their resume; eager to improve their LinkedIn profile and committed to taking decisive action each week.
I recently worked with Paul* who is a senior sales representative in his late 50’s. He had worked for the same employer for over 20 years. Undaunted by his recent separation, he was optimistic about finding a new job.
Week one we started out by talking about his career ambitions and life plan. Clearly, working was still on his agenda for the next 10 years or so. Paul knew his resume must be simple but effective, so he focused on this before contacting his network.
By week two his resume was complete, and he had advised his network he was looking for new opportunities. Asking for their assistance led to an offer of a different type of role. Whilst open to trying something new, he knew his strengths and interests were more aligned to sales and relationship management, and was convinced that the best path for him was to stay within his area of expertise and the sector he knew well. This strategy resulted in the identification of 6 suitable roles via Seek jobs. Keeping his focus narrow allowed him to move forward quickly.
Week three included several application submissions, connecting with his network and focusing on interview practice. I spent time with Paul honing his interview skills. He was open to feedback which enabled him to refine his approach. It was wonderful to see Paul’s confidence grow. Together we constructed an elevator pitch and a strong approach to handling a wide range of interview questions. His optimism, positive attitude and story recall were key to Paul moving forward and sustaining his momentum.
Week four saw Paul secure three interviews. He had accepted a role by the end of that week. Paul’s job seeking was swift and successful due to his focus, positive mindset and commitment to take action. Whilst this outcome may not be the same for everyone, as the demand for skills in some industries may differ or even be in decline, the fundamentals of success are the same for anyone in role transition.
Weekly career coaching sessions are very helpful in providing practical support with areas such as career strategy, resume writing, LinkedIn profiling and interview skills. One of the key things that assisted Paul through this process was the emotional support that maintained his motivation to move forward.
For more information on our Career Coaching and Career Transition services contact us on 1300 664 305 or email
*Name has been changed for privacy
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